July 26, 2017
The Mare Internum pin Kickstarter has launched, featuring a design by the incredible Monarobot. Please feel free to take a look! And thank you for reading
The Mare Internum pin Kickstarter has launched, featuring a design by the incredible Monarobot. Please feel free to take a look! And thank you for reading
sorry I don’t have more intelligent commentary but: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Whaaaaaat is happening?!
I think it’s closing the time loop to what happened to her to where we saw her kill the friend a saurus.
If you’re right and in a few pages Kalla gets butchered _again_, we’re bringing our pitchforks for Der-shing >:|
oh shiii
I.. am… BAHCK! /terminatorstyle
(Someone add shades on Kalla!)
Also, beautiful panels!
I laid on my back and kicked my feet in the air and went, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! KALLA KALLA KALLA KALLA!”
Thank you for a bright spot in a shit week.
She lives! Again!
And again!
And again
and agin
an ag n ..
:D :D :D :D
I just had to comment again. Oh my god. I mean, yes, I know a major theme of this comic has been the creepy reincarnation of beings, but honestly, I thought she was dead forever. Did not see this coming. :D
WAIT WAIT WAIT WIAT OH MY GOD OH MY GODH SHE’S BACK?! OH MY GOD YESSSS!!! *starts uncontrollably sobbing*
Awww Kalla can’t tell the humans apart <3
But then… maybe this isn’t Kalla? Because we can’t tell Martians apart??
Wait a minute… I know you! You taste like chicken!!
And you murdered me!
“It’s been a long time. How have you been? I’ve been really busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED ME.”
Not to derail my own comments section, but panel 4

Kalla heard a can-opener, *just* as Bex was falling? Tch. Back to plot development!
(Grins, ducks, runs like heck)
XD Well, Bex is headed towards the Processor, makes sense that Kalla would might be headed back from it.
While flying cat loaf Kalla is great…
“I believe I can fly” Levi had me dying. DYING.
So last time she was in the water (and thus apparently syncing) was when she saved Mike from the needle fish… does this mean she won’t remember their heartfelt conversation where they decided to keep going and Mike flipped off the ocean? That would be sad.
Replying to my own comment because I re-read and Kalla’s blood did get to the water after she died… so maybe she will remember…. :,)
Our buddy is back!! I didn’t expect her to return so soon. <3 Look at that majestic superhero leap! And so stylish, too. I like that she always fixes her hair between activities. Even constant death, depression, and rude humans can't stop this trendy shark.
She thinks it’s Michael because ALL HUMANS LOOK ALIKE TO HER!
They probably all smell the same. And for all Kala knows, there is only one human around, so it’s a fair guess.
She’s only seen one human. Two legged? Maybe it’s mikky be he’s all stout and bushy and squishy.
:( As happy as I am to see Kalla I bet this is what happens just before Bex kills her
Nah. Bex understands Martian. She won’t be killing Kalla this time.
what? this is not a flashback… so bex already killed her. or you mean she’s going to kill her again? i hope thripp will stop that if she tries
Sorry for double posting but this is the highlight of my birthday!
Bex: “Threvi? Where’s Threvi? Oh. Ew.”
Turned into shrimp paste, the poor lad
Kalla: “Canapé?”
Plot twist: Kalla was aiming fror Threvi to get a snack (being reborne makes you really hungry) and caught Bex by accident
That processor works fast, huh?
I’m glad she remembers Michael!
K is back !!!!!
Ah, I see our dear friend Arm “Kallakore” Shark has returned from her extended stay at the Inner Processor Revivification Spa (Trademark).
Please! my father is Mr. Shark, just call me Arm
You again? But I ate you! You were delicious!
hey i kno that guy ^_^
She’s back, and is that a new crest doo I’m seeing?
SO glad! lovely rescue–now maybe Bec can deal with it better this time.
Super-Kalla! Plucking humans from the jaws of gravity with ease! The reunion of Kalla and Threvi should be interesting!
Hey, Der-shing, are we going to get a little more Kalla backstory at some point in the comic? Like, how did she get trapped in MI, what was her profession 4 billion years ago, does she have any talents or hobbies apart from existential woe, that sort of thing?
“Hi, Immortals Anonimous. My name’s Kallacore. My hobby is to get overly attached to the first thing that establishes contact with me after being trapped for 4 billions of years. Nice to meet you, new best friends.”
Yey sharkfriend! I missed yew!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D
Kalla!!! Kalla is back! The only one more ecstatic than MI readers will be Threvi, now that two of his best friends are together with him… I can’t wait to see his reaction! (At least I hope he gets a happy moment before Bex and Kalla have to start working through the whole misunderstanding and murder thing.)
I’m not crying, I swear. There’s just a feelings-dust in my eyes, suddenly.
Is MI an everlasting reincaration hell? So sad :(
And here we a classic example of how food is necessary for survival
Oh dang Kalla probably won’t remember that Bex killed her…. this is gonna be awkward.
Also is it just me or does it seem like Bex has been down there for a LONG time? She’s got a weird cape, she’s been fighting all kinds of things, she set up rockfall traps, her hideout is stocked with food and tools, the leg-worm brothers had already tried to contact her six times before she understood them… Mike’s timeline seems to have only lasted a day or so, but Bex has been surviving down there since who knows when… time is weird in the Mare…
Commenters have picked up that Mike’s beard grew quickly between scenes. He might have been resurrected at least once.
Totally. Mike has been down there longer than he remembers, I think….
LEVi thinks he’s only been there for two months when he’d been gone for three as we joined the story, so there’s some missing time thing going on.
I did a reread because I can’t stop thinking about this comic and realized that Bex started understanding everyone after she ate Kalla… in some mythology if you eat the heart of a dragon you can understand the language of animals O_O
I thought it was her getting dragged into the water when she ran after Mikey. But I guess eating a thing could link you to the system as well?
Yeah I dunno man!
Is Bex’ arm broken or dislocated in the last panel? To me at least it looks more like a right arm, but it has the Levi-leash.
Bex is laying on her stomach with her cape/shrub on top of her.
._. wut?
o_o Wut?
0_0 WUT?
oh my GODDDDDDDD this page is so gorgeous im crying
Entire comments section:
Being rescued by the very being you murdered in cold blood… talk about awkward reunion parties!
Oh my god! What she doing outside of her stomach!!!????
I’m enjoying your Undertale fanfic very much, but you are simply terrible at drawing Toriel.
haha, I have no idea what this means story-wise (I don’t play games) but Toriel design is kind of cute
You got me, I laughed.
Our favourite Armshark is back!
YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the emotional response ._.
Please do not kill her again.